Tuesday, July 28, 2009

About Life in General

Here it is what I've discovered about life: The rabbit hole goes down much further than anyone could hope to comprehend. At no point in life will anyone master anything. It's true, Amongst all things you can only attain so much understanding of any one thing. There is only so much we can consciously control. Aspects of our lives; financial, relationships, health. Honestly, We are only capable of controlling 10% of that consciously; 25% subconsciously. The rest must be left to fate or something bigger than us, like a plan for the universe.

My advice to those who have yet to make this discovery: keep trying. Keep applying an inaccurate diagnosis to situations you cant fully interpret. Keep avoiding life lessons and see them merely as a roadblock... You're sure to get it next time!

But for real, take something from every experience and dont forget to leave something for others. Life remembers those who can create and offer value. Make your mark. Be somebody who can make a difference. That's my challenge to you. Be a better person than you were yesterday. In todays rugged individualist favoring society, people like that are hard to find.

Monday, November 26, 2007

GIRLS!!!! GIRLS!!!! GIRLS!!!!!!

When you sign up for a seminar here you will have the option of being seen and social proofed by 8+ awesome, beautiful women. This will give you the best oppurtunity for success. With 8 or more of A.S.S. trained girls hanging on your arm and dancing with you the possibilities are endless, Women will swarm you and best yet, You will have me, Solace, there telling you exactly how to do what you need to do. This is the newest service and the best offered anywhere!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Smiles gets his first kiss and phone number all in one fatal swoop

That's right, seeing this side come out of Smiles, and being there to coach him through the interaction is the best feeling I have ever had. All my time invested, all that effort.... It came back to me ten fold as Smiles took every necessary step and listened to everything I had to say. His brother and I spent the rest of the night celebrating Smiles success despite the reason we got the party bus was for a friends birthday.

This just goes to show that noticing a need for a change and acting upon that is the only way to find success. An open mind and determination are keys. Dont be the guy who waits on things to happen. Don't sit there doing nothing with your self. Find something you love to do and do it until you are so good that theres really nothing else to do but sow your seeds in others lives. Had you have asked me two years ago how to talk to people, insecurities would have eaten me alive. Had you have asked me one year ago i would have had the courage to but would have failed. Now not only am I as on top of my game as I have ever been but i am rubbing off on others and there is way more satisfaction in selflessness.

Learn how to become a better person, enhance your confidence and abilities to the point that confidence allows you to open up and exude optimism. Work out, learn the guitar, learn to cook or pick up a hobby that you have always wanted to and do it because you enjoy it.

Monday, August 27, 2007

What it costs

A.S.S. offers high-quality, calibrated teaching for the lowest prices anywhere. Not only do we provide social coaching, but we provide an oppurtunity to network with our community's leaders, in turn continuing the education. Your trainers will be available to you, should you have any questions after the training. So what is the damage? The rates vary due to your location.

Dallas resident: $350 for a 1-on-1 $300 regular
Other cities: you can fly me in for training and your price will be negotiable.

Who Is This For?

It's for the guy who devoted all his time and energy following "that one girl" only to hear the "lets just be friends speech". It is for he who has nothing to look forward to except the next brief interaction at the water cooler with the new girl who works two cubicles down. For the brave man who approaches fearlessly but soon runs out of things to say and do and quickly gets tossed aside. A.S.S. is for the individual who acknowledges the need, or has a desire for improvement.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Program

As A.S.S. is expanding we realize the best service to provide is the one that brings the client up to speed in a social setting in record time. Our goal is to rid the client of their self-limiting beliefs and sharpen their communication skills. Our team breaks down and explains critical points such as body language, tonality and non-verbal communication. To do this we spend approximately four to six hours during the day relaying, and demonstrating our field-tested material in completely comprehensible terms. A.S.S. staff then heads out with the client to a setting where he can apply the days learnings as the staff stand by and coach the client, fine-tuning his skills quicker than he could alone. Since our devotion to our work and our clients is so strong we may extend our coaching until we notice that the client has a full grasp of our material.

- Simple
owner of A.S.S.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

About A.S.S.

We offer the beliefs, tools, and the necessary in-field training to consistently pick-up everyone around you. Our company offers a tailored training program that comfortably fits each and every one of our clients. The goal is to bring everyone to a plane of social agility.
- Simple