Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Smiles gets his first kiss and phone number all in one fatal swoop

That's right, seeing this side come out of Smiles, and being there to coach him through the interaction is the best feeling I have ever had. All my time invested, all that effort.... It came back to me ten fold as Smiles took every necessary step and listened to everything I had to say. His brother and I spent the rest of the night celebrating Smiles success despite the reason we got the party bus was for a friends birthday.

This just goes to show that noticing a need for a change and acting upon that is the only way to find success. An open mind and determination are keys. Dont be the guy who waits on things to happen. Don't sit there doing nothing with your self. Find something you love to do and do it until you are so good that theres really nothing else to do but sow your seeds in others lives. Had you have asked me two years ago how to talk to people, insecurities would have eaten me alive. Had you have asked me one year ago i would have had the courage to but would have failed. Now not only am I as on top of my game as I have ever been but i am rubbing off on others and there is way more satisfaction in selflessness.

Learn how to become a better person, enhance your confidence and abilities to the point that confidence allows you to open up and exude optimism. Work out, learn the guitar, learn to cook or pick up a hobby that you have always wanted to and do it because you enjoy it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.